JP Fell Pipe Band

The official pipe band of Vancouver's north shore, the J.P. Fell Pipe Band was founded in 1993 and brings the great sounds of the pipes and drums alive across North and West Vancouver and beyond. The band takes its name from the North Vancouver armoury, named after Lt. Col. James Pemberton Fell, the first commanding officer of the 6th Field Company in 1911. The band is primarily a performance band, participating in North Shore community parades and local celebrations, services that honour veterans and service organizations, municipal and residential events, concerts and of course festivals like ScotFestBC. This non-profit organization provides instruction for anyone wishing to learn the art of Highland bagpipes or drumming at any age. The JP Fell Pipe Band has performed several times at ScotFestBC and we are proud to have this band represent the Scottish element at our new World Music Festival on June 18.

The Meadow | 3pm