Silk Road Music

Silk Road introduces audiences to different cultures through their 30+ years of experience, discoveries, and travels. Their virtuosity and imagination take you on a journey into a colourful music world from ancient Chinese scores to contemporary compositions, from a foot tapping Irish jig to a heartfelt Chinese love song, and even some Spanish flamenco! Their music includes instrumental solos, ensemble pieces and songs with Tang poetry that spans a thousand years. With inspiration, freshness and passion, their performances express authentic views on traditional music forms, unprecedentedly uniting the East to the West. Silk Road is led by

  • Qiu Xia He on Chinese Pipa and vocals
  • André Thibeault, guitar, Oud and vocal
  • Zhong Xi Wu, Chinese suona, sheng and Scottish pipes
  • Jason Overy, drums & percussion

Heritage Stage | 12:45 pm